Proposed Regulations

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08-EA-28: FRB: Regulation D; Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions

The amendments will allow Federal Reserve Banks to pay interest on depository institutions' balances held at Federal Reserve Banks to satisfy reserve requirements and on excess balances of required reserve balances and clearing balances. The interim final rule also includes several minor changes to the Board's clearing balance policy and the method for recovering float costs.

08-EA-35: FRB: Truth in Lending; Amendment in Regulation Z

On July 30, 2008, the Board published a final rule amending Regulation Z, which implements the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). The July rule requires creditors to give consumers good faith estimates on mortgage loans other than those secured by the consumer's primary dwelling (such as a refinance loan). The July rule also requires that the disclosures be provided before the consumer pays any fee, other than a fee to obtain the consumer's credit report.

09-EA-06: NCUA: Truth in Savings Act (Regulation DD)

The proposal would amend current rules regarding electronic disclosures. Additionally, the rule would also require new disclosures regarding overdraft protection fees.

09-EA-14: NCUA: Funding and Liquidity Risk Management

Recently, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), along with the Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate (FDIC), and Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), issued a proposed interagency guidance on funding and liquidity risk management (proposed guidance). The proposed guidance reiterates existing principles of liquidity risk management and describes the process that institutions should follow to identify, measure, monitor and control their funding and liquidity risk.

09-EA-23: FRB: To Implement the Credit CARD Act - Truth in Lending (Regulation Z)

The Federal Reserve published a proposed rule amending Regulation Z to implement the provisions of the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act (CARD Act) that go into effect on Feb. 22, 2010. The Board's proposal covers a wide range of activities related to credit card lending.

01-EA-16: NACHA: Rule Enforcement Procedures

On December 14, 2001, NACHA Rules Work Group #35 proposed amendments to the NACHA Board that would modify certain aspects of the Rule Enforcement Procedures.

01-EA-08: FASB: Business Combinations

The Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued the final Statements on Business Combinations, Number 141 and Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, Number 142. These Statements could potentially change accounting methods for credit union mergers in significant ways.

00-EA-16: FRB: Regulation Z

The Federal Reserve Board is requesting comments on a proposed rule amending Regulation Z to address concerns related to predatory practices in mortgage lending. The proposed amendments extend the protections of the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA) to more loans, prohibit certain acts or practices such as loan flipping, strengthen HOEPA's prohibition on loans based on homeowners' equity without regard to repayment ability and revise HOEPA disclosures received by consumers before closing.

00-EA-08: FRB: Regulation E (Official Staff Commentary)

The Federal Reserve Board has issued a proposed rule amending the Official Staff Commentary on Regulation E. The commentary applies and interprets the requirements of Regulation E and assists financial institutions in compliance with the regulation.

02-EA-21: FRB: Amendments to Official Staff Commentary of Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)

On November 26, 2002, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve issued proposed revisions to the official staff commentary on Regulation Z, which applies and interprets the requirements of Regulation Z.

02-EA-13: IRS: Reporting of Deposit Interest Paid to Nonresident Aliens

The Internal Revenue Service has published a proposed regulation on the reporting requirements for interest on deposits maintained at U.S. Offices of certain financial institutions and paid to nonresident alien individuals that are residents of specified countries.

02-EA-05: NACHA: Operational Efficiency Issues

On April 12, 2002, Rules Work Group #52 of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) published proposed amendments that would clarify the NACHA Operating Rules to address inconsistencies identified within the Rules and to modify certain aspects of various applications to function more efficiently in today's marketplace.

03-EA-10: NCUA: Conversion of Insured Credit Unions to Mutual Savings Bank

On September 24, 2003, NCUA issued a proposed rule updating its rule regarding the conversion of insured credit unions to mutual savings banks. The proposed rule seeks to increase disclosure requirements to ensure that the credit union's notice of conversion to its members provides full disclosure and transparency

03-EA-2: NCUA: Member Business Loans

On March 27, 2003, the National Credit Union Administration published proposed revisions to the member business loan regulation and related provisions in the prompt corrective action, corporate credit union, and credit union service organization rules.

04-EA-27: FTC: Part 642 - Prescreen Opt-Out Notices

As required by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act), the proposed regulation improves the notice that informs consumers of their right to opt-out of prescreened solicitations for credit or insurance. The proposed rule: 1) establishes certain baseline requirements for language and syntax that effectively convey the intended message to the reader, and 2) establishes guidelines for presentation and format that call attention to the notice and enhance its readability.

04-EA-19: NCUA: Changes in Official or Senior Executive Officer in Credit Unions that are Newly Chartered or are in Troubled Condition

The proposed amendments are meant to clarify the relationship between the prior notice provision and the commencement of service provision, so as to eliminate potential confusion. Additionally, the amendments attempt to reorganize the requirements in the current rule making it easier to understand.

04-EA-11: FRB: Regulation E: Disclosure of Debit Card Fees

Recently, the Federal Reserve Board (Board) issued a notice of study and request for information regarding disclosure practices with regard to debit card purchases. Specifically, the Board is concerned about fees imposed in point-of-sale (POS) debit transactions when customers provide their personal identification number (PIN). The current rules governing fee disclosure are the Electronic Fund Transfers Act (EFTA), and Regulation E.

04-EA-03: NCUA: Investment in Exchangeable Collaterized Mortgage Obligations

The proposed rule will authorize all federal credit unions and corporate credit unions to invest in exchangeable collateralized mortgage obligations representing interests in one or more stripped mortgage backed securities, subject to safety and soundness concerns. Additionally, the proposed rule contains miscellaneous technical revisions and clarifications to Part 703 and Part 704.

05-EA-21: FRB: Regulation E

The Federal Reserve Board (Board) has issued a proposed rule to amend Regulation E, which implements the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA), and the accompanying official staff commentary. The Board has proposed revisions that would clarify the disclosure requirements imposed on operators that charge a fee on a consumer when initiating and electronic fund transfer or balance inquiry at an ATM.