Proposed Regulations

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10-EA-20: NCUA: AmendedDefinition of Low-Risk Assets

The interim final rule amends the definition of “low-risk assets” in NCUA's PCA regulations to include “debt instruments unconditionally guaranteed by the National Credit Union Administration,” such as the NCUA Guaranteed Notes (NGNs) that NCUA, through a trust, is currently offering to public investors.

10-EA-15: FRB: Interim Final Rule on Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act (MDIA)

Mortgage lenders are required to disclose, in a tabular format, the contract interest rate together with corresponding monthly payment, including any escrows for taxes and property and/or mortgage insurance.

10-EA-19: FinCEN: Cross Border Electronic Transmittal of Funds

The proposal would have two significant effects on depository institutions that wire funds across the border. First, depository institutions would have an affirmative duty to report all CBEFTs to FinCEN. Currently, institutions must make that information available upon a valid legal request from the Government, but there is no duty to report. Second, financial institutions would be required to file an annual report with a list of the TIN for each accountholder who transmitted or received a CBETF during that calendar year.

10-EA-04: FRB: Implement the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act - Truth in Lending (Regulation Z)

The proposal requires penalty fees to be “reasonable and proportional” to the violation, which would severely restrict the size of penalty fees.

10-EA-18: FRB: Changes to Regulation Z regarding Home-Secured Credit

The proposal would make significant changes to reverse mortgage products and the borrower's right to rescind. It would also make several other changes to disclosures, advertising and other matters regarding home-secured credit.

10-EA-16: NCUA: IRPS for CharteringCorporate Credit Unions

Under the proposal, applicants must use specific forms and provide a range of information regarding the business plan of the prospective corporate, as well as biographical information about the directors and senior management.

10-EA-17: SRR:Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry Fees

The request for comment contains proposed fees that credit unions would pay for initial registration and renewal, and when a change of employment occurs.

10-EA-12: NCUA: Golden Parachutes and Indemnification Payments

Generally, a FICU that is insolvent, in conservatorship, rated CAMEL 4 or 5, or in an otherwise troubled condition would be prohibited from making golden parachute payments.

10-EA-06: NCUA: Fiduciary Duties at FCUs; Mergers and Conversions of Insured Credit Unions

In January 2008, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) regarding fiduciary duties at federal credit unions, mergers of credit unions and conversions of credit unions to banks and insurance conversions.

10-EA-09: HUD: RESPA Required Use Prohibition

The ANPR concerns RESPA's prohibition against requiring the use of affiliated businesses for settlement services.

10-EA-13: NCUA: Low-Income Definition

This interim final rule is a technical clarification to Part 701 regarding the definition of “lowincome members”.

10-EA-07: Multi Agency: Garnishment Orders

The Treasury, Railroad Retirement Board, Social Security Administration and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) issued this proposal to provide guidance to financial institutions that receive a garnishment order for an account which holds exempt federal benefit payments.

10-EA-11: NACHA: Enhancements to ACH Applications

The proposal would expand the scope of the Telephone-Initiated Entry (TEL) application to permit its use for recurring consumer transactions.

10-EA-05: NCUA: Amendments to the Regulatory Flexibility Program

The proposal would eliminate four exemptions that currently exist for credit unions that qualify for the NCUA's Regulatory Flexibility (RegFlex) program.

10-EA-14: FRB: Escrow Requirements for Higher-Priced Mortgages

Currently, under Regulation Z, a higher-priced mortgage loan is a consumer credit transaction secured by the consumer's principal dwelling with an APR that exceeds the average prime offer rate for a comparable transaction as of the date the interest rate is set by 1.5 or more percentage points for loans secured by a first lien on a dwelling, or by 3.5 or more percentage points for loans secured by a subordinate lien on a dwelling.

10-EA-08: NCUA: Short Term, Small Amount Loans

The NCUA proposed to amend the general lending rule to allow credit unions to offer short term, small amount loans (STS loans) as an alternative to pay day lenders.

01-EA-14: NCUA: Elimination of CAP/Definition of Investment Area

On December 13, 2001, the NCUA Board approved an interim final rule amending the chartering and field of membership manual. The amendment consists of two revisions: first, an existing community chartered credit union need not document how it plans to serve the entire community and second, the definition of an investment area has been updated.

01-EA-06: FRB: Online Delivery of Financial Services

The Federal Reserve Board has issued a request for comment on how the Board's regulations may be adapted to the online delivery of financial services. This request for comment was initiated due to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which requires federal banking regulators to conduct a study of regulations and submit a report about adapting existing legislative and regulatory requirements to online banking and lending.

00-EA-14: NCUA: Corporate Credit Unions (Part 704)

On November 16, 2000, the NCUA Board of Directors unanimously approved an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) that seeks comments on several issues in Part 704, the rule governing corporate credit unions (corporates).

00-EA-06: FRB: Truth in Lending (Regulation Z)

The Federal Reserve Board is proposing amendments to Regulation Z revising the disclosure requirements for credit and charge card solicitations and applications. The proposed revisions would implement a type size requirement for APR disclosures and strictly construe the requirement that disclosures be “clear and conspicuous.”