
January 02, 2019

This week: NAFCU on the Hill for 116th Congress swearing in, gov't shutdown continues

capitolNAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger and other senior advocacy staff will be on Capitol Hill this week for the opening of the 116th Congress, representing credit unions and welcoming new and returning legislators as they are sworn in Thursday. As the new Congress begins, NAFCU will ensure all lawmakers are well-versed on issues of importance to the credit union industry as well as the association's 2019 top priorities.

The House and Senate will need to get right to work as part of the government remains unfunded and closed as a result. Funding for about a quarter of the federal government expired Dec. 21, forcing the departments of Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Transportation, Interior, Homeland Security and State, among others, to shut down.

Congress did extend funding for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) before it lapsed last month, and FEMA, reversing a previous decision, is selling policies backed by the NFIP during the shutdown.

With the House now in Democrats' hands, reports indicate that a vote is set for Thursday – the first day of the new Congress – to reopen the government. The package includes six full-year appropriations bills and a short-term continuing resolution for the Department of Homeland Security.

During this shutdown, a number of credit unions are providing relief and assistance to federal employees and personnel impacted.

NAFCU will keep credit unions updated on government funding discussions.

Also this week:

  • A NAFCU webinar Thursday, Introducing Mortgage Translations – A New Website to Support LEP Borrowers, will help viewers learn more about the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) new industry website to help lenders, servicers and other mortgage market participants serve limited English proficient (LEP) homebuyers. Registration is still open.
  • On Friday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and former Chairs Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke speak at an event in Atlanta.