
September 11, 2023

NAFCU kicks off 2023 Congressional Caucus

CaucusToday, hundreds of credit union advocates will gather in Washington, D.C., as NAFCU begins its 2023 Congressional Caucus. The conference features a fantastic lineup of influential administration officials, lawmakers, and regulators who will address credit unions throughout the week on key issues.

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger will open the conference today with CUNA President and CEO Jim Nussle by discussing ways credit unions can fight for industry priorities in Washington. Additionally, Berger and Nussle will discuss the proposed America’s Credit Unions and how one strong national association will better serve the industry.

Following Berger and Nussle, political strategist and commentator, Donna Brazile, and White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, will provide attendees with a keynote on American politics, the state of the country, and the upcoming election. Additionally, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions of the Treasury Graham Steele will speak to credit unions.

Also happening today, NAFCU’s Large Credit Union Summit will start after the day’s sessions. During the two-day event, credit unions will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of roundtable discussions. The summit is free for credit unions over $5 billion in assets and will take place both in-person in Washington, D.C., and virtually.

Stay tuned to NAFCU Today for more coverage of NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus and follow along on social media with #NAFCUCaucus.