
June 01, 2020

CFPB to offer new financial education webinar series

WebinarThe CFPB is offering several webinars this month geared toward financial education featuring the bureau's resources for consumers and youth.

A free, weekly webinar series tackling resources and tools available via the bureau’s "Your Money, Your Goals" financial empowerment toolkit. This series, intended for frontline staff and those who work with economically vulnerable populations, will focus on various financial issues such as savings and credit management.

The webinars will run weekly on Wednesdays from June 10 to July 8 and are slated to begin at 3 p.m. Eastern. Participation is free, but registration is required. Register for the series here.

In addition, the CFPB, in conjunction with the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs, will host a webinar on youth financial education on June 8 that will bring together subject matter experts and provide an opportunity to share the latest in financial education research.

The webinar will begin at 12 p.m. Eastern. For more information, visit the CFPB’s website.

The CFPB has previously launched its “Start Small, Save Up” initiative to address the issues found in a 2019 report from the bureau which found that many consumers don't have enough liquid savings to cover unexpected, emergency expenses. The CFPB has additional financial literacy resources on its website.

View all of NAFCU's financial literacy resources.