
April 08, 2013

2013 CU Cherry Blossom Ten-Mile Run a success

Sunday's Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run® drew more than 15,000 participants. – NAFCU photos

April 8, 2013 – The 15,000-plus runners – including NAFCU staff – in this year's Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run followed a route circling the memorials in the nation's capital Sunday beneath bright skies and cheered by hundreds of credit union volunteers.

This year, the Credit Union Cherry Blossom event, which also included some 800 Capitol Hill staffers, yielded $483,000 in donations to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, with some $115,000 of that amount raised by the runners themselves.

NAFCU has been a partner in the run since 2002. This year the association had 15 participants in the race race (there is a 10-mile run and 5-mile walk), and more participated as volunteers, serving water to runners along the route and providing encouragement.

This was the 41st year the run was held and the 12th sponsored by credit unions.

Honorary race chairs for this year's event included 161 members of Congress from 39 states, American Samoa, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico.

The Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run®‚ known as the Runner's Rite of Spring®‚hosted this year'sUSATFUSA Women's 10 Mile Championship, presented by America's Credit Unions in partnership with Credit Union Miracle Day, NAFCU and CUNA.

U.S. Olympian Janet Bawcom took this year's women's American championship, her third consecutive win, covering the 10 miles in 53 minutes and 28 seconds.

In the international competition, the men's race was won by Kenyan Daniel Salel (46 minutes, six seconds); and the women's race was won by Kenyan Caroline Rotich (52 minutes, 46 seconds).

Credit Union Miracle Day leaders and run sponsors gathered on race day for a photo of this year's donation check of $483,000 for children's hospitals. NAFCU President and CEO Fred Becker is shown at the center, flanked by (left) CUMD Chair Juri Valdov and CUNA President and CEO Bill Cheney.