Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 14, 2014

PT: Is it part of your job description?

Written by Anthony Demangone

Last week, I wrote about how losing weight will be a major goal for me for the foreseeable future. 

With that in mind, I was poking around the internet for articles and information on health issues. I stumbled upon this article, which argues that exercise should be part of your job. 

The article notes the obvious - exercise is good for you. You'll be more fit, and you'll have a greater likelihood to keep your weight in check. But it noted a study that showed just how much exercise during normal working hours can do to make you perform better at work.

There is also evidence suggesting that exercise during regular work hours may boost performance. Take, for example, the results of a Leeds Metropolitan University study, which examined the influence of daytime exercise among office workers with access to a company gym. Many of us would love the convenience of free weights or a yoga studio at the office. But does using these amenities actually make a difference?

Within the study, researchers had over 200 employees at a variety of companies self-report their performance on a daily basis. They then examined fluctuations within individual employees, comparing their output on days when they exercised to days when they didn’t.

Here’s what they found: On days when employees visited the gym, their experience at work changed. They reported managing their time more effectively, being more productive, and having smoother interactions with their colleagues. Just as important: They went home feeling more satisfied at the end of the day.

Almost makes you want to stop reading this and head for the gym, eh? So, what role does exercise have in your professional life?


So, back to last week's post, I'd love to get to 180 pounds. Scratch that, I need to get to 180. I won't tell you how much I weigh, but I'd need to shed 82 pounds to get to that goal by the end of 2015.

If I don't get there, there was a suggestion that I attend a Steelers-Browns game, in a Browns Cleveland. And root for the Browns. 

Now, that's enough to get me to the gym!