Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 09, 2014

Self Reflection

Written by Anthony Demangone

This has been a week of self reflection. Credit union professionals from all over the country are here in Philadelphia to make themselves better. 

So many discussions this week have centered on this: We all have important problems or issues that we aren't really addressing. They are the elephants in the room, and we kick the can down the road rather than deal with them head-on. 

So here's a challenge to you.

Name three challenges or areas of improvement.

  • Name an area where you could improve in your personal life.
  • Name an area where you could improve in your professional life.
  • Name an area where your credit union needs to improve, in an area that you control.

Now, create a plan to address those three things. What actions can chip away at those problems? Or what actions will push you toward success? 

How often do we get caught up in the small details of the day, while huge strategic issues go unaddressed!

So my challenge to you is to name those things and make a battle plan to address them!


Well, I'm no better than anyone. I have an issue that touches on both my personal and professional life. 

My weight. 

Trust your gut? I have a lot to trust!


If I were near my target weight, I'd be perceived better professionally. And I'd improve my chances at staying above the ground until I'm 85 to bounce grand-kids on my knee. 

It is an important issue for me. Very important. And what have I really done about it in the past year?

Practically nothing. 

In fact, I've eaten in restaurants this week as if I were trying to put on weight.

Well, that has to stop.  So when I get back, I'll hop on the scale, and I'll see how much weight I need to drop to get back to 180 pounds. 

I may need some prodding. So I ask you, faithful readers...If I don't hit my target weight in a year, what should happen to me?  Do I have to don a Michigan or Ohio State jersey and sing their fight song?  Egads! I'm sure some of you can come up with things even worse than that. 

Well, that's enough for now. As always, thanks for reading. And as always, let me know if I can ever help you or your credit union.