Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 30, 2014

My best efforts in 2014

Written by Anthony Demangone

It has been a pleasure pounding away at the keyboard this year. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and musings. According to statistics, here are my most popular posts of 2014.

  1. Electronic words.
  2. The power of a good concierge.
  3. Great commencement speech alert: If you want to change the world.
  4. Work overload: Here are 5 ideas that might help.
  5. The funny thing about risk.
  6. The top 5 signs you should not send that email.
  7. Everything is communication.
  8. Bill Marriot's 12 rules for success.
  9. Front-line experts.
  10. Be that guy.

Enjoy the reads, everyone. It has been a wonderful year. May you finish it with health, wealth and happiness.