Compliance Blog

May 17, 2012

A Whole Lot of FYIs

Written By JiJi Bahhur, Regulatory Compliance Counsel
I thought I’d keep it simple today with a couple…okay, a whole lot of…FYIs that you may (or may not) find interesting.


CFPB “Sweepstakes” Scam

The CFPB has issued a notice stating that if you receive a call from the “CFPB” in regards to a “sweepstakes” offer, it is a scam. Be careful not to provide any personal, consumer, or commercial information.



FinCEN SAR Activity Review – By The Numbers Issue 17

FinCEN has released its seventeenth issue of The SAR Activity Review – By the Numbers (BTN). The report is only published once a year and provides numerical data on SAR filings from the last 12 months. It is available here.



NCUA’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion

In April, NCUA filed its first report to Congress on its Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) and is expected to issue a proposal for comment in the future on standards for assessing credit unions' diversity policies. NAFCU wrote a letter to NCUA addressing OMWI’s assessment of credit unions’ diversity policy. March 29, 2012 - OMWI Assessment of CU's Diversity Practices.


NCUA’s OMWI was created in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act. Its focus is diversity, civil rights and the promotion of minority and women hiring and contracting practices throughout the credit union industry. 


NCUA’s 2011 annual report notes actions taken thus far toward developing standards for assessing the diversity policies and practices of entities it regulates. It also looks at steps taken within the agency to promote diversity in its own hiring and procurement practices.



NCUA’s Plain Writing Act.

If you remember from Steve’s blog post on April 30th, we were waiting to see NCUA’s Annual Report on the Plain Writing Act. That report is now available on NCUA’s webpage dedicated to the Plain Writing Act.



I could keep going, but I think I’ll stop right there for now. Okay, wait…one more...FYI: I’m having twins (a boy and a girl)!