| Washington, D.C.

Congressional Caucus

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Support Credit Unions at the Industry’s Most Intimate Advocacy Event

Join us for the top credit union lobbying event, September 8 – 11, 2024 in Washington DC. You’ll gain exclusive access to lawmakers and regulators, championing your members' interests on Capitol Hill. Your insights will help Congress understand why and how it needs to act against harmful regulatory burdens and make sure credit unions have a seat at the table when determining future laws that govern our industry.

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  • Strengthen your advocacy techniques for communicating credit union issues to Congress
  • Represent your members by telling their stories on Capitol Hill
  • Lobby Congress to pass credit union-friendly legislation, enact regulatory relief, oppose legislation that hinders credit unions’ ability to grow, enhance merchant data security standards, and more
  • Get exclusive access to our leadership and Government Affairs staff
  • Expand your network of credit union advocates and Capitol Hill connections at networking events where you’ll be alongside peers and members of Congress

Who should attend:

  • CEOs
  • Volunteer officials
  • C-level executives and VPs
  • Government affairs and community relations staff

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