| Columbus, OH or On-Demand

Risk Management Seminar

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Note: On-Demand attendees will have access to the same session topics as the In-Person experience, except for the interactive workshops. Instead, they will receive supplemental sessions. 

Pre-Conference Sessions

Monday, August 12

  • 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Early Registration
  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    Join us for an early evening reception to connect with your peers from credit unions across the country!

Tuesday, August 13

Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

    Start your day with a hot breakfast and the opportunity to build stronger connections with your peers from credit unions across the country.

  • Hear from America's Credit Unions leadership with a brief welcome message.

  • Hear a welcome message from Conference MC Lynn English.

  • This unique trivia-style icebreaker activity combines finance and entertainment to foster networking and lighthearted conversations among attendees. This team-based, friendly competition will feature financial- and local-themed questions, covering various topics from financial history to pop culture references.

  • Get the latest on the economy, from the factors driving change and creating opportunities to what's in store for 2025 and beyond. This session covers GDP, labor market trends, interest rates, liquidity, inflation, and housing market forecasts.

  • Stay informed and compliant with the latest regulatory changes affecting credit unions. This session covers NCUA's supervisory priorities, high-risk areas, and political/regulatory developments, including the 2024 presidential election, interest rates, litigation, collections, cybercrime, and more.

  • Join us for an insightful session that explores the benefits of using risk quantification methods such as assessing risk appetite to facilitate a decentralized approach to risk management in credit unions. Learn how fostering risk awareness across all levels can transform every employee into a risk manager, enhancing your organization's ability to swiftly adapt to changes and identify potential issues. Discover how to streamline your risk processes and strengthen the overall risk culture.

  • In this dynamic workshop designed to cater to both new and seasoned risk managers, you'll receive fundamental principles of risk assessment that underpin effective risk management strategies within credit unions. Following the theoretical overview, you'll transition into a hands-on workshop where you’ll apply these principles in real-world scenarios, simulating risk evaluation processes. Whether you’re looking to build foundational skills or enhance your existing knowledge, this workshop offers valuable insights and practical applications for all.

  • According to CFPB, the most common complaints in 2023 were about credit reporting (81% of all consumer complaints), debt collection, and student loans. Addressing these risks is crucial as they signal an important area of scrutiny and potential reputational risk. In this session led by an experienced attorney, you'll hear about recent cases that illustrate key challenges and solutions. Learn how to balance adhering to legal requirements with managing consumer expectations to protect and enhance your credit union's reputation.

  • A panel of industry experts will share their personal experiences with AI implementation at their credit unions, including concerns, successes, mistakes, and lessons learned. You'll hear candid stories about how they address the delicate balance between leveraging AI for competitive advantage and managing the associated risks. This is a unique opportunity to learn from those who have navigated the complexities of AI, providing practical takeaways for your journey with this transformative technology.

  • Engage in an informal discussion with your peers on the most popular risk topics identified by the audience poll. After the discussion, you'll hear key takeaways from other tables. This session offers a collaborative opportunity to deepen your understanding of current risk management challenges.

  • Your conference MC will wrap the day up with the key takeaways from today's sessions, information about tonight's networking event, and a sneak peek at tomorrow's agenda. End the day feeling informed, connected, and excited for the experiences ahead!

  • 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

    Enjoy an early evening reception featuring cocktails and heavy hors d'oeuvres. Meet and mingle with your risk management peers from credit unions nationwide.

Wednesday, August 14

Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m.; optional exam prep ends at 4:30 p.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

    Start your day with a hot breakfast and the opportunity to build stronger connections with your peers from credit unions across the country.

  • With the surplus funds to asset ratio declining from 36% to 24% over the past year, there are clear signs of a potential liquidity squeeze that could impact lending practices and investment strategies. Dive into the critical relationship between interest rate risk and liquidity in this expert-led discussion. You'll learn about practical tools and frameworks to help you develop a robust risk management strategy, balancing interest rate exposures with liquidity requirements to maintain financial stability and member confidence.

  • Do you ever find yourself grappling with the ethical dilemma of balancing profit and member welfare, navigating the complex trade-offs between data privacy and risk reduction, or ensuring both compliance and competitive positioning? You'll explore this and other questions that pose ethical dilemmas for risk managers. A panel of experts will share their insights into how to navigate the ethical landscape of risk management, ensuring decisions that uphold both ethical standards and business objectives.

  • With interest rates going up and real estate values flattening, the emerging negative economic forecast could not come at a worse time. Combine this with the reemergence of the CFPB and the continued increase in “consumer protection” related class action lawsuits and you have the makings of a real problem. Fortunately, there is time to prepare. This session will focus on the compliance risks within the collections function and provide practical insight into the balance of compliance risk mitigation with solid loss mitigation practices.

    This session will cover:

    • Understanding the current compliance risk landscape
    • Analyze the growing risk found within the collections function
    • Best practices to reduce risk and maintain recoveries

  • This session will demystify the often complex and evolving expectations of NCUA, providing a clear roadmap for effective preparation and execution. Through real-world examples of both successes and failures in credit unions' examinations, you'll gain insights into key strategies and common pitfalls. You'll hear about corrective actions and tips on avoiding past mistakes while replicating successful tactics. Leave with practical, actionable insights, better prepared for future examinations and equipped with knowledge from the industry's collective experiences.

  • Are you wondering how to effectively balance the intricate dynamics of credit risk management while maintaining high consumer credit standards? This session will help you understand the critical aspects of assessing and managing credit risk, including effective strategies for monitoring consumer credit quality to prevent defaults and enhance financial stability. You'll gain valuable insights into implementing robust risk assessment tools and techniques that align with current regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

  • Join us for an immersive workshop focused on the grading and management of model risk across enterprises. This session will be led by a seasoned expert from PenFed, who will share insights from their newly implemented model risk management program. Participants will engage in a hands-on exercise to understand the severity of various risk issues and learn strategies for effective risk assessment and mitigation. Whether your organization is in the early stages of developing a model risk management program or looking to refine existing processes, this workshop will provide valuable skills and knowledge to enhance your risk management capabilities.

  • Cyber breaches in the financial field have increased by 23% since last year. The risk of extreme losses from cyber incidents is increasing. It's crucial to establish a cybersecurity program that can adapt and evolve to counter these threats effectively. Discover the latest trends and best practices in cybersecurity risk management and explore the risks associated with digital banking. Learn to identify and manage potential risks using advanced data analytics tools and detect and prevent fraudulent activities.

  • Cyber breaches in the financial field have increased by 23% since last year. The risk of extreme losses from cyber incidents is increasing. It's crucial to establish a cybersecurity program that can adapt and evolve to counter these threats effectively. Discover the latest trends and best practices in cybersecurity risk management and explore the risks associated with digital banking. Learn to identify and manage potential risks using advanced data analytics tools and detect and prevent fraudulent activities.

  • Your conference MC, Lynn English, shares her closing thoughts and highlights from the day.

  • Our MC will prepare you for your upcoming exam. This session will include practice questions, quizzes, and a Q&A segment designed to test your knowledge and readiness. You'll get the opportunity to assess your understanding of key concepts and identify areas where further review is needed. Engage in this interactive experience to boost your confidence and ensure you are well-prepared to excel in your exam.

Thursday, August 15

Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 11:10 a.m.; optional exam ends at 1:00 p.m.
  • 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

    Start your day with a hot breakfast and the opportunity to build stronger connections with your peers from credit unions across the country.

  • In this dynamic session, you’ll explore how to identify and manage risks associated with activities that extend beyond routine operations, such as investments, participations, asset purchases, and product development. You’ll learn about effective methods for mitigating potential risks, ensuring your strategic initiatives are well-aligned with your institution's risk management framework. You'll gain practical strategies to safeguard the stability and future growth of your financial institution, making this session crucial for anyone involved in strategic expansion and diversification.

  • Every time you utilize a critical vendor you are handing that vendor the keys to your members’ kingdom. What could possibly go wrong, you ask? Everything! The explosion of virtual operations and remote services has introduced more opportunities, more vendors and more risks into your processes. This session will explore effectively coordinating your vendor management program into your risk analysis.

    This session will include:

    • Identify and mitigate the risks associated with critical vendors

    • Avoid common vendor management landmines

    • Create solid staff oversight and quality control

  • In an era where digital threats are escalating, understanding the latest financial crime trends and cybersecurity threats is key to safeguarding your credit union. Through engaging case studies and interactive polling, you'll predict outcomes and discuss how actual events unfolded against your expectations. This session not only illustrates best practices according to FBI protocols but also enhances your grasp of effective fraud prevention strategies, crucial for minimizing your institution's exposure to potential losses.

  • In this engaging session by an expert with extensive legal and practical experience, you'll explore the complex terrain of managing collections and dealing with member bankruptcies effectively. You'll learn about the best practices for improving collection efforts before and after a bankruptcy filing, understanding the legal considerations, and employing strategies to mitigate risks and losses. This session will also cover the nuances of bankruptcy law as it applies to credit unions, including how to secure claims, navigate the bankruptcy process, and maintain compliance with federal regulations.

  • Your conference MC, Lynn English, shares her closing thoughts and highlights from the event, celebrating the insights gained and connections made, setting the stage for future collaboration and growth.

  • Join us for a concise final exam prep session, where we'll cover key points and answer last-minute questions to ensure you're fully prepared and confident for the exam.

  • 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    Add the NCRM credential to your name - good for two years - when you pass the exam (additional fee required). Did you know? According to a study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), individuals with a professional certification earn, on average, 17% more than those without one.

**Sessions subject to change. Final agenda will be posted closer to the event.

Anything else you’d like to see covered? Please let us know at education@americascreditunions.org.