Musings from the CU Suite

May 30, 2017


Written by Anthony Demangone

One often finds quotes from famous people on the internet. You have to be careful with them, as the quotes may not always be accurate.

But I did see a few recently that caught my eye. The are reported from Albert Einstein. 

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." 

I did a bit of sleuthing, and it seems that both quotes are legitimate. Or at least were paraphrases of something Einstein said at one point. 

Image result for einstein

In any event, I love both quotes.

  • I love simple words that people understand rather than complicated words that send folks for their dictionaries.
  • I love simple messages that people can follow rather than complicated emails that dull my brain.
  • I love simple strategies that can be easily learned and repeated rather that complicated plans that are quickly forgotten and discarded. 

In a world of complexity, simplicity gives you an edge. It makes what you offer easily consumed and understood. 

This week, I'll focus on simplicity. I hope you'll join me.


 Risk and BSA peeps, you have 10 days to save with the early bird price for NAFCU's BSA and Risk Conferences. I hope to see you there!