Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 22, 2017

How Far Can You Go?

Written by Anthony Demangone

Last week, I had the fortune to meet John Maclean. 

He spoke to the attendees at NAFCU's annual conference. His story was inspirational.

Image result for john maclean australian story

John was a professional athlete. During training, he was hit by an 8-ton truck. More than 20 bones were broken, and his spinal cord was damaged. 

He was told he'd never walk. Certainly, his life of sports was over.

It took John some time to get his footing, but he fought back against those limitations. 

He swam the English Channel. He completed an Ironman Triathalon as a wheelchair athlete. 

And he kept pushing. And he did something unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.   (You have to watch this.)

John lives his life by a simple mantra: How far can I go.

And he challenged us all with a simple question.

How far can you go?

It really struck me. How far can I go? It seems that a lot of it is up to me. How hard will I push? How hard will I focus? How hard will I challenge myself?

I love people like John. They represent what is possible. They highlight a path for all of us that is free of excuses. It doesn't guarantee success. But it guarantees you'll go as far as you could.