Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 29, 2017

Three Values

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Earlier this year, NAFCU's management team gathered to hammer out what we wanted to be as a team.

Part of the process involved discovering our team values. The things we would stand for, and the bar we would set for expectations.

Relatively quickly, I think, we centered on three values.


The exercise really has done a lot for us.

Those three values are very general. But they can answer almost every question that comes along. 

Just a few weeks ago, I handed something to Dan. After looking at it, he asked a simple question.

Is this what "excellence" looks like?

No, it wasn't. Back to the drawing board, I went. 

Since setting those values, we've discussed them a lot. We expect them to be in everything we do. It clarified expectations and raised the stakes. 

Three simple values. Pretty powerful stuff.

So, a quick question for you.

What are your credit union's values?Â