Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 01, 2014

A little weekend reading...and a book!

Written by Anthony Demangone

I have some exciting news, at least for me.  My colleague, Dan Berger, and I have published our first book, Managing and Leading Well: It Ain't Rocket Science, But It's Still Hard Work!

It will be part of the curriculum of NAFCU's Management and Leadership Institute in Philadelphia this fall (Oct. 6-10). Every attendee will receive a copy. You can get one now via  I hope you find the book to be a useful, easy-to-read reminder on all the things we should be doing as managers and leaders. I need the reminders myself as much as anyone! If you give it a read, please let me know what you think. 

Now, on to the links!

Have a great weekend, everyone!