Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 15, 2014

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I'm heading back "home" to Towanda this weekend. Kate and Briggs are excited, as there's a firemen's carnival up the road. I'm excited, because friends and family will be there. As well as Mom's lasagna. 

Here's the best of my reading pile, and may you have a good meal with family and friends this weekend as well.

  • Amazon is getting ready to take on Square in the payments arena. (Washington Post)
  • The reasons why top lenders are pulling back on some borrowers. (Washington Post)
  • Why is it so hard to remember someone's name? (The Atlantic)
  • And while we're at it, why is it so easy to miss our own typos? (Wired)
  • Poor, poor banks. We credit unions have it so easy. Oh by the way, bank profits are at an all time high. (WSJ)
  • Yeah! Job openings are on the up. Still doesn't feel so great, though! (Calculated Risk)
  • Share this line-up with your compliance and risk management team. Not too shabby. (NAFCU's Compliance Seminar Speaker's List.)
  • Classic brilliance from Godin. What's it for? (Godin)
  • The "Disney" economy is back. (CNN Money)

That's enough for now, I guess. If you see a light blue minivan heading up Route 220 on Saturday, please waive. 

A spot not far from my hometown.