Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 04, 2014

Feedback and the Off Button

Written by Anthony Demangone

We all want to get better. 

Maybe it is becoming a better husband, tennis player, boss, or employee. But all of us are trying to improve something. 

But many of us can be blind to the things we don't do well. Feedback, therefore, is essential.

One good tool is the 2x2 Feedback system. Two people rate each other on two good things and two areas of improvement. Simple and effective.

And sometimes, you just need a gutsy colleague to put you on the right path.

Last week, my colleague Irene and I had a short meeting. At the end of it, Irene asked if she could give me some feedback. 


But I swallowed hard, and said yes - let me have it!

Irene said I have a habit of glancing at my email during one-on-one meetings. I have a two-monitor system in my office. I usually have my email screen maximized on one, so when an email comes in, it sits there, coaxing me to check it out.

2 screens

Irene said my habit makes her feel that the meeting isn't important, or that she doesn't have my full attention. 

Guilty! As I thought about it, I realized that I do that a lot. Far too much.

After Irene left, I thought about how to fix it. And then it hit me.

The off button. 

Mandy probably wishes I had an off button as well...

Now, when someone comes into my office for a meeting, I simply turn off both monitors until the meeting is over. 

Simple and effective. 

A simple change that makes me better at giving my full attention when it matters. 

Thank you feedback. 

Thank you, Irene.


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