Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 18, 2014

Focus; Survey; Cyber Monday

Written by Anthony Demangone

Recently, I had a chance to speak with a credit union CEO who turned around her credit union's performance in about two years. 

I asked her how she did it. Let me paraphrase her answer...

"We needed to grow members. We needed to grow loans. And we need to trim expenses. I simply let our management team know that if they were doing something that didn't fall into one of those buckets, that project would be put on hold. It didn't mean it wasn't important. We just needed to put all our resources into those three areas." 

She said the focus was an instrumental part of the turnaround story. 

If you had to focus on three things, and only three things in your shop, what would they be?

And are you currently putting enough resources into those projects?


I have two surveys that are open, and I need your help.


Head's up. We'll have a Cyber-Monday deal on two important conferences - NAFCU's Strategic Growth Conference, and our Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Conference.  The one-day-only special will be available on Monday, December 1. Here's how I look at it: if you are sending folks to those conferences, please save some money and sign them up on December 1! I may be biased, but I think the conferences are pretty darn good stuff in any event. Stay tuned...