Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 05, 2014

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

The days are getting shorter, and my to-do list seems to be getting longer. The Holiday Season must be upon us!

Take a break from your errands, grab a cup of joe, and dig into this week's reading pile.

  • I remember paging through the Sears catalog before Christmas. A mere 35 years later, the store is on the ropes. (Business Insider)
  • Not dead yet. Some video stores are fighting back creatively against the Netlixes of the world. (Wired)
  • The American consumer is back. (Reformed Broker) But...The incredible shrinking income of young Americans. (The Atlantic)
  • Sure things are not so sure any more. Taxi medallions are losing value in the face of Uber and Lyft. (Associations Now)
  • Stop wasting everyone's time. (WSJ)
  • No, you're not sleeping enough. Some scary facts from a scary documentary. (Washington Post)
  • Mobile sales were huge on Black Friday. (TechCrunch)
  • Banking and litigation. A scary story. (WSJ)
  • Photo of the week: Lofty frosts. (National Geographic)
  • Cash is dead? Not so fast. (WSJ)
  • Budweiser is the King of Beers? Not so fast. (Washington Post) With all their money and advertising, they're losing ground to the little guys. Sound familiar?
  • The fear of freedom. (Godin)
