Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 15, 2015

Playing Host

Written by Anthony Demangone

I had the pleasure of spending a day in Austin, Texas this week. It is a fun, energetic town. 

While I didn't get to see everyone on my list, I was able to connect with some wonderful NAFCU members. 

I'm always humbled during a visit when the CEO of the credit union carves out more than an hour of his or her time  - and treats me like there's nothing else going on that day. I know that isn't the case, but great leaders have a wonderful way of focusing on their guests. They know how to play host and make visitors feel special.

"Anthony, we'll drive you to the airport!" 

"Please, let us buy you lunch." 

These are busy men and women, and I should take a lesson from what they do. I realize that I don't always play host as well as I should. I need to make time so that I can visit, and I should do what I can to make the visitor feel special. There's always time for people, especially those that come to you for a visit.  Lesson learned.

So, my question for you: How do you play host? Is there room for improvement?

And if my time in Austin is any indication, Texas hospitality is much like the state itself - large, and impressive.


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