Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 27, 2015

I go out walking...

Written by Anthony Demangone

You know how much I like a good walk. 

It seems the New York Times is joining the chorus. Last week, it published an article that shows the science behind a lunch-time stroll. A study took fairly inactive workers and had them begin a 10-week walking program, which required at least a 30 minute walk over the lunch hour. There was a control group that didn't walk as well for part of the time. 

The responses, as it turned out, were substantially different when people had walked. On the afternoons after a lunchtime stroll, walkers said they felt considerably more enthusiastic, less tense, and generally more relaxed and able to cope than on afternoons when they hadn’t walked and even compared with their own moods from a morning before a walk.

Although the authors did not directly measure workplace productivity in their study, “there is now quite strong research evidence that feeling more positive and enthusiastic at work is very important to productivity,” Dr. Thogersen-Ntoumani said. “So we would expect that people who walked at lunchtime would be more productive.”

As a pleasant, additional outcome, all of the volunteers showed gains in their aerobic fitness and other measures of health at the completion of their 10 weeks of walking.

I think we all want colleagues who are enthusiastic, less tense and more able to cope. Not to mention more productive. Ironically, some workers who stopped walking indicated that they only stopped because management required them to work over their lunch hour. 

So, here's to the power of walking! How many of you build something into your day akin to a lunch-time stroll? Any good stories about what it does for you?

Have a great week, guys. 

2014-11-15 14.50.31My wife, my Mom and me, walking in Green Spring Gardens Park, Fairfax, Va.