Musings from the CU Suite

Feb 06, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” 

― Voltaire

I only can take you half way there, my friends. The dancing part is up to you. 

  • How to have a year that counts. (Bad Words)
  • Driverless cars could destroy 10 million jobs and remove 90 percent of the cars from the roads by 2025, according to this futurist. What would that do to auto lending? (Business Insider)
  • The hidden cost of a flexible job. (The Atlantic)
  • A bird in search of a cage. (Godin)
  • Apple wants to blow up cable TV. (Business Insider)
  • How strange is the world economy? Nestle is getting paid to borrow money. (Washington Post)
  • We know why you're always late. (WSJ)
  • When it comes to communication, less is more. (Entrepreneur)
  • Credit union consolidations climb in 2014. (CU Times)
  • Why some Americans have started hiding cash. (CNBC)
  • 24 clever ideas inside Virgin's new hotel. (Fast Company)
  • Don't forget to communicate. Would you use Grade B syrup? They didn't think so either. (Associations Now)