Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 03, 2015

Are you too busy?

Written by Anthony Demangone

I don't recall when I started reading stuff by Chris Brogan.  He fires an email into my in-box every week or so. They are always good, but one recently was golden.

I'd link to his post, but he doesn't always write them that way. As far as I could tell, his recent post on being busy was only in email format. 

Chris often writes about taking control of your life. We complain that we're too busy to do this or that, often pointing to someone or something else as the culprit. Chris doesn't buy it. 

In a recent post, he argues that no one is too busy. Period. Again, I can't link to it, so I'll share some of the best parts that I received. I urge you to check out his page and sign up. 

One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves and others, is that we are “too busy.” 

You’re not. We’re not. Pull up a mug of something and let’s talk about it. I’ve got a nice hot cup of cocoa, because I’m snuggled into a cab in the woods in Maine with Jacq. What are you drinking? 

You’re Not Too Busy

...I go to the gym almost every day. Sometimes twice. How can you do that and raise kids and run your companies? You do what everyone does: you find time for what matters. 

“You reply to every email people send you?” Pretty much. “But aren’t you too busy to do that?” No. It’s an honor to receive emails from people you serve in some way. It’s an opportunity. “But how do you find the time?” 

Time. Found. 

Stop watching Game of Thrones. 

Stop reading blogs to “stay caught up.” 

Stop over-volunteering. 

Stop scheduling your days to 100%. (I schedule mine to 40%). 

Stop giving people “pick your brain” lunches.

Cut meetings to 20 minutes. 

Cut out phone calls unless you really really really want the call. 

Make “real time” time your most expensive. Encourage email/chat/whatever.

Quit everything that isn’t core to your mission and your passions. 

Give your family back some of this new found time. 

Time is everywhere, my friend. 

You’re Not “Too Busy.” You’re Unfocused or Uncommitted

When people say they have no time, they’re either chasing too many balls or they’re not honoring the commitments they’ve made to themselves and their larger mission. 

Let’s all rise up and ban “too busy” from our language. Instead, when someone asks how you’ve been, answer “Great!” or “I’m really working on what’s important” or “I’m feeling a bit down, but I’m optimistic.” Or whatever. But not, “I’m too busy.” 

To me, it boils down to this; own it. Own your life. The hours in your day are yours. You don't have to watch TV. Or scroll through Facebook. There's nothing wrong if you do, but don't then later complain that you don't have time for Y or X. Own your decisions and choices. Drive the train. Just don't be a passenger.


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