Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 10, 2017

The CEO of the Food Line

Written by Anthony Demangone

Last week I was in San Diego for our Management and Leadership Institute.  

It was sold out, so we had a huge crowd. Here's the thing with big crowds - it means you have to feed a lot of people quickly at lunchtime. 

Our event planners at NAFCU are the best. They plan things so that people can get in and get their food as quickly as possible.

But as good as they are, we have to rely on the hotel staff to hustle when the lunch bell rings. 

San Diego - a great place to learn and grow.

The floor manager at the San Diego Omni was a champ. 

He and his team hustled. He greeted guests by name and guided them to the shortest line for chow. Food never ran out. It was refreshed before it went empty. Empty plates were bused away with a smile. 

The food quality was great, and everyone was seated with food within 15 minutes.

The floor manager was a professional. He was the CEO of that lunch.

I really don't know who the CEO is of Omni. I'm sure there is a VP of customer experience. I never met him or her.

But that manager who was in charge of food and beverage was a professional. He was Omni. And Omni performed well.

Most folks will never meet your CU's CEO. Or most of the executives. You rely on front-line staff to carry the brand.

Are they the CEO of their space?Â