Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 13, 2017

Your Weekend Credit Union Reading Pile

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU!

NAFCU just finished up our third conference in two weeks. Catching up with friends from around the country was grand, as was making new friendships.

I never cease to be amazed by the quality of the people in our industry. (Not to mention my colleagues at NAFCU, who did a fantastic job with the conferences as always.)

Well, we made it to another weekend. Here are some of the best things I've read recently. Enjoy!

 - Anthony

  • The brain concentration index. (Ritholtz)
  • Oppositional. (Godin)
  • Another grand reason to exercise. (Guardian)
  • Will AI increase jobs or destroy them. A wonderful Q and A. (AEI)
  • The new target: the 26-year-old. (WSJ)
  • This just in: we're terrible at weighing pros and cons. (Inc.)
  • Want to see what it is like to drive for Uber? Give this game a shot. (FT)
  • Good advice versus effective advice. (WeathOfCommonSense)
  • How one introvert handles social events. (HunterWalk)
  • 11 ways to become a more likable leader. (BergerLeadershipBlog)