Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 17, 2017

Your Weekend Reading Pile from NAFCU

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Tax reform. GSE reform. Flood insurance. Director Cordray announces that he'll step down from the CFPB. And in the last 6 weeks, NAFCU has picked up 20 new members.

It's been a busy time at NAFCU. 

As we approach the Holiday Season, it has been a full-court press around here. But we wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for all you do to support us and have a great weekend!

Now, on to this week's reading pile. 

  • "Jerks seldom enchant people."  Guy Kawasaki reveals how to enchant people that you meet. (Inc.)
  • Amazon is on the cusp of opening its cashier-less stores - but it has one major challenge to overcome - group shopping. (BI)
  • Five reasons investors should give thanks. (Schwab)
  • Some horrific stories from the Wells Fargo scandal. (FT)
  • Outsiders. (Godin)
  • Turns out that Americans do not like big corporations. I wonder if we could put that fact to work for us. (Fast Company)
  • Warren Buffet's advice on time management is simple and brilliant. And tough. (Inc.)
  • Deposit displacement. Know what it is? You should. (FB)
  • 'Tis the season. Here are 22 predictions for 2018. (Inc.)
  • Millennials are buying homes. (Bloomberg)
  • This was a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting read. A dozen business lessons from Waffle House. (25iq)


(The life of a lobbyist is not always as glamorous as the movies would make you think. This has been the view for one of our lobbyists who has been monitoring the markup of the GOP Senate Tax Bill. The job is a lot of long days, reading and monitoring.)