Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 21, 2017

How, Why, and Thanks

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Thank you for reading this. I hope you never think that I take your time and attention for granted. 

Thank you for following me on my journey. It is really a journey of "How."

How can we do things better? How can we balance things effectively? How can we improve ourselves? 

I write this for me because I have no answers. Perhaps there are no true answers. Perhaps the game is simply to keep pushing to be better, knowing that the target always moves. And understanding that it should move. 

As for why? I can't answer that for you. But the good thing about finding your "why" (and there may be more than one), is that it never moves. It is a constant. A North Star that helps guide you through everything else. 

One of my "Whys" is you. Credit unions do good. That simple fact should never be trivialized or overlooked. We help Main Street figure out and manage their financial lives. But not as overlords or profiteers. 

But as partners. 

Our industry makes things better. It is good. And it is worth fighting for and defending.

On behalf of all of us a NAFCU, enjoy your Thanksgiving. 


Thanks from all of us at NAFCU