Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 03, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

The Gang O'Gones are headed south to North Carolina this weekend. Parents, siblings, kids, dogs, hidden eggs, Church and good food and conversation are on the menu. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 

Now, on to the reading pile...

  • NAFCU slams retailers EMV stall. (CU Times)
  • Unemployment claims really dropped this week. (Calculated Risk)
  • Compliance  costs: No end in sight. (Bank Lawyer's Blog)
  • Membership-based delivery services  are beginning to affect the grocery industry. (Business Insider)
  • April Fools! The 20 best corporate pranks of all time. (Forbes)
  • HSBC falls short on compliance. (Bloomberg)
  • Apple Pay has been a disappointment to half of its users. (Business Insider)
  • Crowdfunding tripled last year - now a $16 billion industry. (Entrepreneur)
  • Regulators are focusing on bank boards. (WSJ)
  • The panic tax. (Godin)
  • Kodak: Amazingly still at work. (NYT)
  • Find someone to disagree with you. (Fast Company)