Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 10, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.

    - Mark Twain

The man is right. Yesterday, I had the seat heater on in the car. Today, it is 80-something in lovely Arlington. 

On to the reading pile...

  • Aetna - Expect a groundswell of pay increases this year. (WSJ)
  • Microsoft has applied for state money transfer licenses. (USA Today)
  • The real reason college costs are going up so much. (NYT)
  • I can't keep up. Now scientists say salt isn't as bad for you as they thought. (Washington Post)
  • 73 percent of teens have access to a smart phone. (USA Today)
  • Photo of the week. When Penguins Attack. (National Geographic)
  • MasterCard CEO Ajay Banga’s six lessons on leadership. (QZ)
  • Cheap oil is hurting recycling. (Washington Post)
  • History of the baseball cap. (NYT)
  • Job openings are up 23% YOY. (Calculated Risk)