Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 24, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Ah, Spring is finally here. Practices, dirty feet, scraped knees and the smell of clipped grass. Please enjoy this week's reads, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

  • Remember how characters in Star Trek could push a button and create food? That might very well happen. 3-D printing of food is already taking place. (Entrepreneur)
  • Merrill Lynch: 1Q GDP growth forcast at 1.5%. (Calculated Risk)
  • Another example of how fast things are moving. YouTube turns 10 today. (CNBC)
  • While housing prices rise, negative equity still increased in 21 housing markets. (Zillow)
  • Your employees don't get you. (Smart Blogs)
  • How divided is Congress on party lines? This visual is stunning. (Washington Post)
  • The model for Rosie The Riveter, Mary Doyle Keefe, has passed away. Rest in peace.(Entrepreneur)
  • Microsoft ad campaign unintentionally kicks off a huge debate on work/life balance. (Washington Post) 
  • Reputation risk exhibit no. 5,423.  Local paper notes local financial institution gets slammed for BSA violations. (MySA)
  • YouTube finds that people are more likely to view ads on mobile. (Fast Company)
  • Where Americans do not know how to write checks. (Washington Post)
  • Where your 2014 taxes went. (The Big Picture)
  • The compliance market heats up. Wells Fargo looks for non traditional compliance officers. (WSJ)
  • My favorite photo this week: Circle of Life. (National Geographic)
  • Jack Welch: Truth and Trust are the most important words for leaders today. (LinkedIn)
  • Godin nails it. People are real, but the crowd disappoints. (Godin)
  • A beautiful short film. Great message, great visuals. (BigGeekDad)