Musings from the CU Suite

May 05, 2015

Why not you?

Written by Anthony Demangone

Leading a company isn't easy. 

Things are stacked up against you. Regulations. Competition. Not enough time. Not enough resources.

There are many reasons why you might not succeed.

But then I love stories like this one. Business Insider found a number of old photos of Apple employees at the "beginning." 

This company will one day dominate music and phones.
This is the original Apple file system.

Take a look through the story. It should make you smile.

There was nothing pre-ordained about Apple's future success. They had access to the same people and ideas as anyone else. Perhaps luck had a part to play. Perhaps the genius of Mr. Jobs. 

They were once small. Had larger competitors. Less money. Fewer employees. But they pushed through.

Now, perhaps one  might argue that they were on the cutting edge of technology. It is unfair to compare credit unions to a computer start-up from the 1970s. 

Well, how easy would it be to start a successful hoagie store chain? There's one on every corner. I mean, the technology there is bread, meat, cheese and sauce. How could you possible hope to carve out a niche?  But these guys pulled it off. 

The mightiest companies started off with the odds against them. But they rolled on and pushed through.

Why not you?