Musings from the CU Suite

May 12, 2015


Written by Anthony Demangone

John Spence has a great talk that he does on accountability. 

There are five parts to accountability.

  1. First, you have to communicate the mission and responsibility.
  2. You have to have buy-in from the other person.
  3. You have to give that person the authority and tools needed to get the job done.
  4. You have to track progress.
  5. And then you have to address where the person is against their goal.

John notes that everybody focuses on numbers 4 and 5, but far fewer focus on 1, 2 and 3.

I couldn't agree more. 


NAFCU has unveiled a new product - The Credit Union Director Handbook.  My goal? To arm directors with a tool to give them a strong understanding of our wonderful industry. 

I’m lucky enough to speak before thousands of credit union directors each year.  I see many directors struggle with their learning curve. They want to know more about the industry in general, but they don’t know where to start.

I had one attendee come up to me after a talk and jokingly suggest that I visit him one afternoon at his home and tell him everything I know about the credit union industry over a few cups of coffee.

To make a long story no longer, that’s why I wrote this book.

I'm hoping credit unions use this book to:

  • On-board new directors
  • Help recruit new board and supervisory committee members
  • Show examiners their robust training and support of credit union officials.

The book also serves as a text for the new NAFCU Certified Volunteer Expert Certification. 

Writing the book was a wonderful experience, and I had a lot of input from you - NAFCU's members. I also had a ton of help from NAFCU's excellent marketing division.

In any event, I'd love to hear what you think. And as always, thanks for all you do.

To learn more, visit this link.