Musings from the CU Suite

May 28, 2015

The Status Quo

Written by Anthony Demangone

The "status quo" is powerful.  Extremely so.

But why is that? What makes the status quo such a strong force?

I think it is because so many people are invested in keeping things as they are.  Many people and companies feast on the "status quo." 

Your vendors don't want you to change. Many of your colleagues don't want you to change. 

Change threatens stability. It threatens contracts. It threatens paychecks. 

The status quo? It provides a road map. Boring as it is, tomorrow will look like today. Most of us have made peace with today.

Change? No one can say what a different tomorrow will bring. Could it be better? Could it be worse?

So those who are invested in the status quo will whisper in the corners. Easy does it. Let's just tweak this. Or that. 

Don't rock the boat. 

But people are not moved by the status quo. They yearn for things to be fresh. To be new. To be exciting. 

To be better.

So here's to the disruptors. To those that push the envelope. To those that chart a new course. 

While people may tell themselves they like things as they are, they are subconsciously waiting for the disruptor to do his or her work. 

Because  when that happens, the status quo loses its appeal. Its power fades faster than the morning dew on a hot summer day. 

And then, anything is possible.