Musings from the CU Suite

May 29, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

So Briggs wanted to help make the bed yesterday. As my goal is to transfer any and every chore possible to Dos Twins, I was very excited. 

As we finished the task, Briggs looked at me and said that beds have way too many layers.

I felt like telling him...."Just wait until you really get to know people..."

On to the reading pile...

  • If you want to delegate something and make sure it gets done...use a sticky note. (HBR)
  • Seriously delinquent mortgages decline again. (Calculated Risk)
  • A wonderful ad by Land Rover. Credit unions should do this as well, as we help make many more dreams come true. (BrainsOnFire)
  • Four things all CEOs hate. This list seems about right. (Entrepreneur)
  • Consumer patterns keep shifting. Theaters just had their worst Memorial Day weekend in 17 years. (Washington Post)
  • Old news that still shocks me. Many Americans have no retirement savings. (Reuters)
  • The do-over. (Godin)
  • Big banks shut border branches. (WSJ)
  • 4 questions to ponder. (BigGeekDaddy) Tell me this didn't get you fired up.)
  • Buckle your seat belts! Google's self-driving car will hit the road this summer. (Verge)