Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 30, 2015

It is your ship and stay inside your boat...

Written by Anthony Demangone

The best part of attending a conference is that you get pushed outside of your comfort zone.

NAFCU's closing keynote speaker did just that. Captain Mike Abrashoff spent 60 minutes teaching us about leadership.

DownloadWhen he took over his ship, it was one of the worst in the Pacific Fleet.  He knew he had a problem - he couldn't change the pay, the people, the technology or the benefits. The only variable that he could control was his interactions with his crew.

Hour by hour, and day by day, he built trust, communication and ownership. Every decision, he would ask himself - what is best for my crew. He treated all with respect. He treated all with dignity. He listened. In installed a state-of-the-art sound system so they could listen to music as the sun set. 

He turned the ship around.

And by the time he left, the following happened. 

At Abrashoff's change-of-command ceremony-to which he shipped in lobsters for everyone-he simply said to his crew, "You know how I feel." A crew member told him later that when Abrashoff departed the ship, there wasn't a dry eye on board.

It reminded me of another story, highlighted in the book "That's Outside my Boat."  Charlie Jones collects several stories of success - all of which involve focus. Focusing on the things you can control, and letting go of everything else.

The term - outside of my boat, is a rowing term. In competitions, the weather, water conditions, competition - all of that stuff is outside of your boat. It is outside of what you can control. Focus inside the boat, and true magic can occur.

Sounds easy, eh? But so few people do it.  I wonder why? Thoughts?

Have a great week, guys.