Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 10, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I don't know about your neck of the woods, but Summer has arrived and is calling the shots here in Arlington. Heat, humidity and sweat seems to be the forecast for the foreseeable future.

So, put on that sun screen, drink plenty of water, and enjoy the best of this week's reading pile.

  • U.S. sales of heavy trucks are up. That's good. (Calculated Risk) But initial unemployment claims are up as well. Not so good. (Calculated Risk)
  • Branches are dead? Not so fast, my friend. (FB)
  • Don't be the office schedule-wrecker. (WSJ)
  • Just what makes a great salesperson? Three things, it turns out. (HBR)
  • Want a fast-paced version of baseball, with constant motion, and fewer pitching changes? It exists. In Finland. (WSJ)
  • A solar future isn't likely. It is inevitable. (Vox)
  • How does Uber take over a city? (Bloomberg)
  • Letting go. (Leadership Freak)
  • Robots are headed to financial services. (FB)
  • Stories and relevance are usually much more important than budgets. (Godin)
  • This is awesome. MasterCard will soon approve purchases by looking at your face. Finally, a good use for a selfie! :) (CNN Money)
  • Is it a coffee shop, or a bank? (WSJ)

Have a great weekend, everyone!
