Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 14, 2015

Dive into the hole...

Written by Anthony Demangone

NAFCU isn't perfect. There are things we can do better to better serve our members.

But I will say this: we try to fill those holes.


A common thread we heard from our members over the past few years was that NAFCU needed a system to provide model policies and procedures to its members.  Facing a regulatory avalanche, our members needed help.

Dan Berger pushed us to find a solution.

During our recent annual conference, we announced a strategic alliance with CBANC. CBANC is an awesome company out of Austin, Texas. I'm very excited to work with them.  And here's why...

At its very core, NAFCU was created to fill a hole in the marketplace. A small group of entrepreneurial credit unions saw a need, and created our association. CBANC fits that mold.

CBANC’s founder has long known that local financial institutions are the foundation of communities throughout America. With the crushing avalanche of new regulations hurting credit unions on Main Street, CBANC went into action. Through its innovative solutions, compliance officers, risk managers and auditors can now tap into a massive reservoir of policies, procedures, and answers. At no cost.

NAFCU has long had the back of compliance, risk and auditing professionals. Now we have a strong partner to help us in those efforts. CBANC and NAFCU will help each other in the coming months and years to ensure that credit unions have the tools they need to manage today’s world of heightened compliance risk. 

Seriously folks, make sure your compliance, risk and auditing folks check out CBANC.

I'm glad that Dan pushed us on this one. Aligning with CBANC filled a big hole for NAFCU. And it will help our members a great deal. 

So, a few questions for this Tuesday.

  1. What is your biggest hole?
  2. Are you ignoring it or jumping in?
  3. If you're a NAFCU member, what holes should we be filling for you? Remember - we work for you. What can we do better?

Have a great week, everyone.Â