Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 17, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Greece, Pluto and Iran. News from faraway places are filling the headlines this week. Here's hoping you can find some time to relax in your own back yard this weekend.

Now, on to the reading pile!

  • NCUA Chairman Matz will testify July 24 in a Congressional oversight hearing. (NAFCU Today)
  • In honor of NASA's success this week, a few thoughts on Apollo 13 and leadership. (Musings)
  • Well, well, well. Someone took a stand. Santa Cruz County votes to stop doing business with five huge banks. (Alternet)
  • In June, industrial production was up .3%. Yay! (Calculated Risk) Wait...retail sales went down in June. Boo! (Reuters) But homebuyer confidence is highest since 2005. Yay! (Calculated Risk)
  • The Iran Deal could trigger $2 gas. (CNN Money)
  • Kraft Food's test kitchen only includes equipment and food found in the average U.S. home. Another great reminder to put yourself in the shoes of your members. (Ad Age)
  • Not sure how you might get this into your marketing, but CFPB Director Cordray testified that credit unions are the "most responsible lender." (NAFCU Today)
  • A great reminder...always write for your audience. (Association Executive Management)
  • Sign of the apocalypse? More and more Americans are getting their news from Facebook and Twitter. (NiemanLab)
  • Foreclosures are way down. Like, 2007 down. (Calculated Risk)
  • Photo of the week? Pluto. (APOD)
  • Change is affecting everyone. Here are nine things ESPN is worried about right now. (500ish)
  • A great interview with Cathy Pace, President and CEO of Allegacy Federal Credit Union. (The Federal Credit Union)
  • Cracking the code on HSAs for your members. (Part 1, Part 2) (NAFCU Services Blog)
  • Differences between Wal-Mart and Amazon in one chart. (Business insider)

