
November 19, 2020

NAFCU announces hybrid 2021 conferences, gives CUs power to choose

NAFCUNAFCU is planning to offer virtual and in-person option for several of its 2021 conferences to ensure credit unions have access to the industry's best training and education opportunities in whichever format they prefer.

"NAFCU is committed to providing best-in-class education and training at the convenience of our membership, while ensuring their health and safety," said NAFCU Executive Vice President and COO Anthony Demangone. "In 2021, we will be offering simultaneous in-person and virtual conferences for credit union leaders looking to hone their skills and further their education.

"For those who choose to attend in-person, NAFCU will take all possible health and safety precautions, and we will diligently monitor travel restrictions and government mandates throughout the conference season. Attendees should expect to receive the same level of extreme member service and immersive experiences that they have come to expect from NAFCU events."

The association previously announced that its first three conferences of the year – Strategic Growth Conference, Spring Regulatory Compliance School, and Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Conference – will be held virtually as uncertainty and travel restrictions remain in place amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The remaining 2021 conference schedule will give credit unions the power to choose between attending virtually or in-person to provide for attendee convenience, safety, and health.

Here's a look at next year's planned conference lineup:

Registration for all 2021 conferences will soon open. Stay tuned to NAFCU Today for the latest conference developments as the association continues to closely monitor the coronavirus pandemic.