Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 25, 2015

They are all around us

Written by Anthony Demangone

We see so many things in this great big world, it is easy to forget that some small things can make a big difference.  And to people that are probably next to you in your daily life.

Like this simple path to the beach, found in Wasaga Beach, Ontario. I'm not sure whether other beaches have paths like this, but this is the first I've seen. 

Simple, but fantastic if you're in a wheelchair, have a broken foot, have suffered a stroke, or just have a hard time walking.

I found this via Facebook, so I wasn't sure how to share it. But the comments from families who were able to use path were touching. It allowed people to be reunited with something they love - the ocean. Again, perhaps simple to overlook for many of us. But truly touching for those who need it.

Accessable beach

And then there's this: a wonderful 7-minute video that highlights a man purchasing groceries for people.  Believe me, you have 7 minutes for this video. The reactions to the simple gesture were profound and heartfelt. H/T to John Spence for this one. 

Little things can mean a lot. And the opportunities to give those little things are all around us.Â