Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 10, 2015

What do you ignore?

Written by Anthony Demangone

My good friend Dan Rockwell wrote another gem recently.  What do successful leaders ignore?

Here's his list...

#1. Ignore occasional failure in others. Let people fail and learn on their own. Pay attention to patterns not isolated incidents.

#2. Ignore insults. People won’t always understand your passion or vision. They may sin against your sincerity, let it go.

#3. Ignore people who say, “I told you so.” They’re jerks.

#4. Ignore guilt from isolated failure. Take responsibility, learn and move forward. Don’t waste energy beating yourself up. The worst failure is allowing failure to hold you back.

#5. Ignore counsel from advisors that don’t ask questions. They’re uninformed, misinformed, or close minded. (A word of caution. Sometimes wise counsel sounds stupid. When people with a proven track record sound stupid, listen again. Ask questions.)

#6. Ignore those who always see the bad and never see good. They’ll drain you.

#7. Ignore feedback that comes from people who don’t understand your role, mission, vision, or values.

The world is full of data. Full of things that could consume your time and energy. You can't take it all in and focus on everything. There are not enough days of the week or hours of the day.

Dan does a great job of starting the list. But I challenge you to add to it. At your level, what should attract your focus? And what should you ignore?


For those coming to NAFCU's Congressional Caucus, safe travels. And please find me and say hello! Also, I will be able to address our Compliance Seminar later on this year. I'm excited to be back, even if for just a day or two.Â