Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 11, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Fourteen years since it happened, and it seems like yesterday.

For the families who lost loved ones that day, and for the families of our fallen soldiers who bravely fought for us since then - we're still thinking of you. 

For those out there today protecting us - many thanks. We're in your debt. 

Here's the best of this week's reading pile.

  • NAFCU's Carrie Hunt crushes it on C-SPAN. (CSPAN)
  • New Justice Department prosecution strategy puts Wall Street executives front and center. (NYT)
  • You don't look busy. And that might be OK. (AEM)
  • 10m consumers exposed in Blue Cross hack. (The Hill)
  • Job openings are booming. (WSJ)
  • Becoming a servant leader. (Great video!) (
  • Sloppy statistics. No, Hollywood did not have its second best year ever! (Washington Post)
  • Government shutdown - how it could happen. (MarketWatch)
  • Ceasars fined $9.5m over BSA problems. (WSJ)
  • Is overwork killing you? (HBR)
  • Cool graph on historical energy consumption. (TBP)
  • It's not your Daddy's bank...your yours for that matter. (BankLawyer)
  • Cost of skyscraper glass is increasing. An interesting read on how long it takes a segment of our economy to get back on track after a recession. (WSJ)

Have a great weekend, everyone.