Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 13, 2015

Reaching for the brass ring...

Written by Anthony Demangone

Yesterday, John Spence was blasting out on stereo. 

He kicked off things at NAFCU's Management and Leadership Institute in Chicago. And I was borrowing from his playbook in Chambersburg, Pa.

I had the pleasure of speaking to 160 employees of Patriot Federal Credit Union in beautiful Chambersburg, Pa.

Unnamed (1)
The Beautiful Capitol Theater!

We were talking about pushing yourself to improve. 

Of course, everyone wants to improve.  But saying and doing are different things.  This post from Seth Godin, hammers away at the difficulties of improvement. 

Improvement comes with many costs.

It costs time and money to make something better. It's risky, as well, because trying to make something better might make it worse. Perhaps making it better for the masses makes it worse for the people who already like it. And risk brings fear, because that means someone is going to be held responsible, and so the lizard brain wants out.

But you have to keep improving things. Tinkering with them. This is sometimes called Kaisen.  John Spence has a great video regarding "Personal Kaizen."    No matter how difficult the process of improvement may be, you have to soldier through.  If you don't, one of your competitors will.

If you have a few spare minutes, please watch John's video.  It will be well worth your time.Â