Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 23, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

The Holidays are just around the corner. Since all of you are struggling to find the perfect gift for me, I thought I'd be helpful today. Please feel free to get me either of the following:

  • Develop an app for my iPhone that erases/reverses everything I've done in the last five minutes. There are times when I'm sure I've done something wrong, like delete an email, or change a setting. But for the life of me, I'm not sure exactly what I did. I just have an uneasy feeling. This "whoops" app would be great, and I'd be open to sharing in the profits.
  • I'd like another device that would erase the last five seconds of what I just said from everyone's memory. Akin to the tool that radio stations have, but one that actually travels back in time to stop me from saying whatever I just said. I'm sure my colleagues would chip in on this one. 

That should be enough to get a few of you started. Have a great weekend, and enjoy this week's reading pile.

  • Unemployment claims are at a level not seen since...1973. (Calculated Risk) And 37 states saw unemployment drop in September. (Calculated Risk)
  • The most important charts in the world, according to some people much smarter than I am. (Business Insider)
  • Email habits of millionaires. This is good stuff. (Forbes)
  • Time to ask borrowers if they intend to drive that new car for Uber? (CUToday)
  • The cost of compliance. (ThomsonReuters)
  • ESPN is laying off hundreds. (Business Insider)
  • So you're having a bad day? Last year, A Deutsche Bank employee sent someone $6 billion. By mistake. Hoppla! (Fortune)
  • Architecture billings are up. (Calculated Risk)
  • The best leaders are constant learners. (HBR)
  • Apple's Tim Cook said massive change is coming to the car industry. (Business Insider)
  • How is Ford's move to "aluminize" the F-150 going? Pretty well. (Bloomberg)
  • A restaurateur eliminates tipping at his restaurants. (NY Eater)
  • So, 40% of Americans aren't working. So, just what are they doing? (Quartz)
  • Americans spend more on lottery than books. And music. And a lot of other stuff. (CNN Money)
  • 20 cognitive biases that mess up your decisions. No. 7 hits close to me! (Business Insider)

 Have a great weekend! Even you Terp fans...  

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