NAFCU's Berger delivers Washington & Industry Update at DCUC conference

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger addressed the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC) Tuesday at its 56th Annual Conference in Chicago on current efforts in Washington that could impact credit unions. The conference began Sunday and concludes today.
"NAFCU and the DCUC have a strong partnership and remain committed to working together to ensure servicemembers and their families have access to safe, affordable financial products and services," Berger said.
Last week, NAFCU and DCUC teamed up to reiterate their opposition to a provision included in the Senate-passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would require the Department of Defense to treat large banks the same as not-for-profit defense credit unions on military bases. The two organizations will continue to advocate that this provision not be included in the final NDAA as House and Senate conferees reconcile differences in the two chambers' bills.
DCUC also joined NAFCU to host the Defense Credit Union Summit at NAFCU's Annual Conference and Solutions Expo in June. There, Berger and DCUC President and CEO Anthony Hernandez discussed a number of issues related to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, guaranteed acceptance protection (GAP) insurance, the NDAA and more.
Berger also connected with NCUA Chairman Rodney Hood at the conference. Hood emphasized the work defense credit unions are doing to provide financial services to unbanked and underserved communities during his speech to attendees.
The association has been an active advocate for defense credit union members, working with them on and off the Hill. Members are encouraged to continue using NAFCU's Grassroots Action Center to reach out to the lawmakers to urge them to oppose the bank provision in the NDAA and to join the association in lobbying lawmakers in Washington at Congressional Caucus in September.
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