Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 12, 2015

The Right People on the Bus

Written by Anthony Demangone

I'm a very fortunate person. I get to meet thousands of credit union people every year. 

And every time I meet with a credit union, I always learn something new.

Recently, I met with a group of executives from a hard-charging credit union. They set aggressive goals. They move quickly.

We talked about work/life balance, and burn-out. And then their chief operating officer said something that has stuck with me since the conversation.

People talk about having the right people on the bus. Our bus moves fast. Very fast. Not everyone we hire likes being on this bus. But the right ones - they love a fast bus. That's who we seek out.

I think we all want the right people on our bus. But do we truly know what type of bus we're driving? Until you figure that one out, how can you find the right people?