Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 13, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Repeat after me. 

No Christmas songs or decorations until after Thanksgiving.

I think that's enough for today. Now on to this week's reading pile...

  • Try not to hurt yourself smiling. Millennials are rejecting big banks in favor of local banks and credit unions. (Money)
  • People have no idea whether they are paid fairly. (HBR)
  • Fascinating read. Did electricity cause a tech bubble? (TheAtlantic)
  • Think you're a good multi-tasker? Stop lying. (BigThink)
  • You have what you seek. (Leadership Freak)
  • Prime working age population growing again. (Calculated Risk)
  • Short term thinking. (The Big Picture)
  • Falling down the quality abyss. (Godin)
  • The US Economy is turning into a nightmare for recruiters. (BusinessInsider)
  • The FFIEC updates Management Booklet for IT Governance. (NAFCU Today)
  • Apple, Banks in talks on person-to-person payment service. (WSJ)
  • Why the unemployment rate could fall to 3.8%. (MarketWatch)
  • Why simple brands win. (HBR)
  • The simple way to get better at business writing. (Godin)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Safe driving, Mom and Dad! 
