Compliance Blog

Jun 14, 2008

Email Record Retention Issues; Email Subscriptions

Happy Saturday, everyone.  I just wanted to alert you to a great article in the May/June issue of The Federal Credit Union (NAFCU's glossy magazine).  The magazine is sent to each NAFCU member.  On page 10, there's a good article by Michael D. Lozoff, an attorney who handles issues for many credit unions.  He writes about document retention - focusing on emails.  It is a very good read.

There's also an article on blogging, which is near and dear to my heart.  Many credit unions are going in this direction, but there are things to keep in mind.


Finally, I just wanted to note that the daily email subscription has been buggy as of late.  I update the blog every weekday (and occasionally on a Saturday!), and a Google-owned service reads the blog and sends out an email to those of you who have signed up.  For some reason, the daily emails have been...well, less than daily.  I am researching the issue, and I've made them (Google) aware of the problem.  Here's two problems on my side of the fence, though:

  1. The email subscription service is free, so I don't think Google will have 1,000 of its best and brightest working on a solution.
  2. Google is a big corporation, and this blog is likely not on its radar.

So, if you didn't get an email from me, and you are missing the blog - just pay it a visit at  Or be patient - and an email should be sent out shortly.  I appreciate everyone's patience!