
May 30, 2019

Tell us your opinion about CFPB efforts by June 6

Checked BoxesNAFCU-member credit unions have until next Thursday to submit responses to this month's Economic & CU Monitor survey, which is focused on CFPB priorities.

Through the survey, NAFCU seeks to better understand the industry's outlook on multiple issues included in the CFPB's spring rulemaking agenda including debt collection, HMDA, and overdraft. The survey also includes questions related to how credit unions process transactions and data collected in validation processes.

Earlier this month, the CFPB announced that its overdraft rule will be reviewed first under the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Responses to the Monitor can be recorded via online survey or PDF file, and questions may be sent to

NAFCU relies on survey responses to provide its members with a glimpse into the trends affecting the credit union industry as a whole. The association also uses survey responses to inform its advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and with regulatory agencies such as the NCUA, CFPB and Federal Reserve.